I am impressed by the feelings we as humans sometimes have of hate or bitterness. Sometimes we feel we have been taken advantage of or cheated and have been mercilessly misunderstood in our innocence. Perhaps this is the case. I once had a dear friend, that I still consider a dear friend, say to me, "you probably hate me." I was taken back. I didn't know what to say. I don't hate this person and I never did. My feelings might have been hurt a little but I don't wish to debase that persons value with callused feelings of animosity.

Each of us have had at least someone do us wrong to one degree or another. Many of our lives have been permanently effected by the wrongs others have done to us or to those close to us. Many of those wounds run deep. I am not trying to be a counselor or give advice on how I am some perfect example of forgiveness because I am not but if your losing sleep at night thinking someone is always going to be angry at you because you ate a piece of their toast without asking, move on with your life because they probably did. Even if they didn't we can't hinder or delay the growth of our relationships with feelings of doubt or what ifs. We need to move boldly in a direction we interpret to be good even if we don't completely understand each step along the way. Is that not faith? Isn't forgiveness a fruit of faith?
Hate is such a strong and hurtful word. It is overused. It does not help anyone. It only destroys. When I was about 19 years old I was getting ready to leave to Bolivia for two years to serve a mission for the LDS church, of which I am a member, and my father shared an idea with me that has impacted my life greatly. He said, "people and relationships are always more important than money or things." What could be more important? What could hold more everlasting value? I hope that someday people will say of me, "Jake always put people first." I have a ways to go. A very long way to go. Please help me and help yourself by forgiving someone today. Put away with hate and animosity and anger. Love others. Is this not why we were born? "And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you." (1 Thessalonians 3:12)
Very good words and well written. I am glad you remember the words of your wise father. Forgiveness is a Christlike attribute that is so important. We all make mistakes and to love the and forgive is one of the attributes we all need to improve on . :)