There are many people that shape us. I will name a few that have had a great impact on my life and a few others that I will not name because even though Im the only one that reads this blog I wouldn't want them to feel embarrassed in any way.
1. Mom and Dad. (2 people I love very much who have loved me very much in different ways.) My parents are who I look back to when I feel lost and life shakes me up. They give me focus I need to push forward. They help me remember where I came from and who I am. We are very similar in many ways.
2. Mission President. (Ron Dalene.) The lesson this man has taught me most of all is that of unconditional love. At times I wondered how he was patient with some that caused grief or frustration in the work or how he forgave so freely. One time with light tears in his eyes he told me "if I don't love them who will?" He was right. He didn't say it as if it were a burden but with gladness and sincerity that those people that cause grief day after day were loved by him very much. He's a true follower of Christ and I hope I can honor him by loving like he loves someday.

I don't want to be a bottom feeder and suck all the life and joy out of people to raise myself up like we've all seen done. Maybe even in ourselves at times. Talk with another human being alone and ask them about their life and listen to them intently as if they are the most important person in your life and they will know you care. You will care as you give them that respect. The moments I cherish most with people are when Im able to talk to them one on one and know when they feel I am sincere with them. I love when people look me in the eyes without shielding themselves inside because they feel I am their friend. I want to tell everyone Lift up your heads and help someone feel they are valued sincerely by at least you. Look people in the eye and tell them they are good. That is enough.