You make me wanna soak it in gasoline,
stain my new shirt.
You make me wanna sip lysol from a cup. So clean it hurts.
You make me wanna break something beautiful.
Is it okay for me not to want to make that much money this summer as much as I'm expected to? I want to be occupied and have a fulfilling day but right now I honestly don't care to make tons of money. I wouldn't mind selling ice cream to people right now as I rode a bicycle around. $10/day selling ice cream. I'd like to do that for about a day.
Call it a quarter life crisis but in august Im going to podiatry school which will last 4 years. After that I will always work as a podiatrist. Now is the last time in my life I will ever have a job thats not being a podiatrist. Why not sell ice cream for a day? I am serious. I just decided if you are attending a parade around here this summer, you will see me pulling a cooler on my bike and I will be giving out otter pops for 25 cents. I will pay you 25 cents to take an otter pop. Please let me